Rudrank Riyam

Everything SwiftUI and Apple Platforms Development. Subscribe to Some Swift Weekly!

LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid Layouts in SwiftUI

LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid layouts in SwiftUI were recently announced during WWDC 2020, and I’m so excited to share with you a simple tutorial to get you started with them!

LeetCode- Internship Preparation Journey

I solved a few hundred questions on LeetCode in Swift for my internship preparation in my third year.

Dealing with Burnout During Internships

Burnout was something I didn't believe in until I had zero motivation to wake up in the morning and open Xcode.

What It Was Like to Win the Apple WWDC Scholarship in 2019

Subject- You’ve been awarded a WWDC19 Scholarship

Using WKInterfaceInlineMovie in SwiftUI or WatchKit

WKInterfaceInlineMovie that displays a video’s poster image and supports inline playing of the video.

Type Safety for Interface Controller Identifiers in WatchKit

Enum and extensions for strongly code string identifiers

Playing With Combine- Grid Layout in SwiftUI

You might be aware of the fact that SwiftUI only supports a List, but nothing like a `collectionView` natively. I have been learning about Combine and thought of trying to implement something similar.

My Experience of Escaping the Tutorial Island

After following endless tutorials where an instructor types some random code on their machine and you copy it, you haven’t made much progress. You’ve been there, haven’t you?

Dynamic TabView in SwiftUI

Creating dynamic TabItem in SwiftUI

Custom Colors and Modifiers in SwiftUI

I switched to custom colors for the branding, which is inspired by the systemIndigo color from UIColor.

Creating an Apple-like Splash Screen in SwiftUI

A simple screen onboarding is important for your users to understand what your app is about, and what unique feature values their time.

Bombing My First Technical Interview

It was my first ever technical phone interview for the role of a software engineering internship. That too scheduled with Apple, Cupertino.

Adding a Tip Jar in SwiftUI Using RevenueCat

I wanted to play around with RevenueCat, and I figured creating a tip jar would be the perfect start.

Accessible SF Symbol Image in SwiftUI

SwiftUI doesn’t provide any initializer for `Image` to have the label as a parameter nor something to ignore it for accessibility purposes. So let’s create one!

Accessibility in iOS 14 Widgets With SwiftUI

This summer, Apple announced widgets for iOS 14 that you can have on your home screen alongside your existing apps. Widgets help you to personalise the screen with glanceable relevant data upfront.

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before My First iOS Internship at a Small Startup

I worked with a small startup last year to create native iOS apps for the Android counterpart.