Rudrank Riyam

Everything SwiftUI and Apple Platforms Development. Subscribe to Some Swift Weekly!

Job Hunt of 2021

Experience in freelancing and getting a full-time job

Negotiating Stipend in Internships

Learning and earning can go well together

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - Search Library Resources

Searching the library resources using Apple Music API and MusicKit

Creating a New Playlist and Adding Shazamed Songs

Creating a new playlist in Apple Music and adding Shazamed songs to it using ShazamKit and MPMediaLibrary

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - Artist Artwork

Get the artist artwork from iTunes website using Open Graph meta tags

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - Playback Status

Observing the playback status in your Apple Music client app

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - Repeat Mode

Implementing RepeatMode button in your Apple Music client app

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - ArtworkImage

A view that displays an image for an instance of Artwork.

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - Permission

Adding the required key for accessing Apple Music and asking the user to give access.

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - Authentication

MusicKit for Swift makes it far easier to authenticate. No hassle of generating a JWT.

Experimenting with MusicKit for Swift - Introduction

MusicKit for Swift makes it easy to add Apple Music in our app.

Experimenting with ShazamKit- Let’s Shazam Everything!

ShazamKit lets developers take advantage of Shazam's exact audio matching capabilities within their apps

Generic Rectangle View in Gradient and Chroma Game

Creating a generic view to use in the main screen of RGB, HSB, CMYK and history screen.

Protocols in Gradient and Chroma Game

Refactoring the code of my apps

Highlights of SwiftUI Release 3

This year, Apple focused on supporting deeper adoption of the framework for our apps.

Understanding SwiftUI Grid Layout

Before they were introduced during Apple’s 2020 Worldwide Developer’s Conference, grids were among the most-desired features to be included in SwiftUI

Learning to Stop Self Rejecting

Life changes after learning to stop self-rejecting

Full time to Freelancing

A journey beyond the corporate job market